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PD Yoga

Port Douglas Yoga Shala hosts YOGA WORKSHOP with Leanne Davis 26 and 27 June 2021

Port Douglas Yoga Shala hosts

YOGA WORKSHOP with Leanne Davis

Yoga Australia registered Senior Yoga Teacher, Mentor, Yoga Therapist and Vedic Chanting teacher

26th - 27th June 2021

SAT 26 June 1pm – 4pm

Introduction to practical inspiration of The Yoga Sutra

What is Yoga? Who is Patanajli? What is a sutra?

Never before in the history of human kind have so many people practiced and studied Yoga. This has led to the diverse world of Modern Yoga with many approaches to suit everyone.

In this session we go back to the roots of the science of Yoga as it developed from the Veda to the practical wisdom expounded in Patanjali yoga sutra.

The Yoga sutra helps us to know ourselves better and to understand that any problems our mind creates, our mind also has the solutions for.

Come and join us for fun discussion and reflection on Yoga and learn to chant the first four yoga sutras that give us a comprehensive definition of Yoga.

We will also apply these mantras for clarity of mind to simple asana and pranayama practice.

SUN 27 June 9.30am – 12.30pm

Creating vitality with the Five Prana Vayus

Patanjali Yoga sutra states that the practice of Yoga asana is to remove any resistance in the body so that Prana, the vital energy, can move freely around the body with the movement of the breath.

The Hatha Yoga Pradipika says that when the breath can move steadily the mind is stable and calm and we become aware of the state of Yoga.

In this session we will learn a mantra to promote our vitality, explore the functional divisions of Prana in the body mind and then focus on the regulation of the Vayus through mantra applied to a Viniyoga practice. This study will leave us with the awareness of our natural state of vitality.

Cost is $60 for each workshop or $110 for both. Text or call Lesley to book 0455 035 185

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